We will be presenting a tutorial session titled “Design & Implementation of Virtual Simulations” at I/ITSEC this year. The session will be held on Monday, December 1 from 1030-1200 Room 414 CD. The tutorial will present a number of open-source projects such as the Virtual Terrain Project, SubrScene Image Generation Solution (IGS), CIGI, the poRTIco project, JSBSim and of course OpenEaagles. The focus is on building a virtual simulation leveraging these projects.

As a demonstration, a completely open-source virtual simulation system based on all these projects can be found at the Calytrix booth #2647. An example OpenEaagles-based application will be connected into a distributed environment that includes Microsoft ESP Visual Simulation Platform, BreakAway’s mosbe, Calytrix’s Combat Net Radio, VBS2, eSim Games Steel Beasts and OneSAF.